Monday, March 25, 2013

Our Discovery Walk

We go for walks nearly everyday while Brent is at work,  so this last Saturday we were just itching to show him some of the places we have discovered.  Following are a few pictures of this walk which took us over 2 hours.

While we were walking and watching for bunnies, Kamree found and caught this cute little leprechaun... Unfortunately, she was getting a little anxious holding it....
So she passed it on to Morgan, who had no problem disposing of the poor little thing.  

We later found this super long dark spooky tunnel that no one in their right mind would ever dare trek into, but Brent was with us, he knew it had to be a shortcut and he said "vamos" so we all hunched over and followed (I think Brent was just scared of running into that scary little leprechaun again).  I was certain Brent would stumble upon a homeless man and not see it coming til he was face down on him.  Fortunately all 6 of us made it out safely on the other end.
This is where we came out and the small little light at the end of the tunnel is where we started.  It was much creepier than it looks here.  

We eventually ran into a park, as we always do, and Morgan just had to do show off some of his favorite Kung Fu moves for the camera.

and Mason had a great view!
....later Kaiya also caught a leprechaun, although not quite as cute as the one Kamree found.
Just before finding our way home, Morgan found this sky scraping tree which he struggled climbing,  blaming it on a finger or something as I recall. 


  1. Those are some cool pictures!

  2. Holy cow, those pictures are the best! I'm totally laughing!
