Sunday, May 5, 2013


Cuenca was our last stop on our way home from our vacation to Valencia .  Cuenca was first occupied in 714 by the Muslim Arabs when they built a fortress (called Kunka) between two gorges.  Since then it has been passed back and forth among the Arabs and Christians, usually through wars.
This picture is taken from the top of the city looking down into one of the two gorges.

And this is looking down into the other gorge.  Out in the distance are the newer parts of the city of Cuenca.  On the left, you can see the old convent of Saint Paul which was built in the 16th century,  and an old foot bridge from 1902, which was rebuilt after the one from the 1500s collapsed.  We did go down on that bridge and took the following picture of some of the "hanging houses" on the right side.  
The famous "Las Casas Colgadas" or hanging houses of Cuenca were popular in the 15th century. 

Here it is a little closer.  I don't think I would feel safe living there,  it reminds me too much of Lemony Snickets. 

 The Cuenca Cathedral was built from 1182 to 1270 with the front being rebuilt in 1902 after it crumbled.

El Castillo is the name for the remains of an ancient Arab fortress, representing the older structures of Cuenca. Only the arch and a fragment of the walls have been left.  The castle was home of the Holy Inquisition after 1583, and it was destroyed during the 19th century by French soldiers during the Spanish War of Independence.

 This is taken from the other side of the arch.

This is during our steep walk back down the hill to head home.  Many people drive up to the top of this city, but besides very few places to park, the roads get really narrow as usual and there are a lot of people to watch out for.  Notice the "Stop" sign in the background.   We found it surprising that they are everywhere here in Spain and we also saw them in Portugal. 

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE these photos! I totally want to paint the beautiful gorges and colorful buildings. What a great vacation! Love Cuenca!!! Beautiful!!!
